Thursday, January 29, 2009


I am completely addicted to Facebook. There is no point in denying it, it is obvious to anyone that is my friend there. I am on all the time!

One of the things I am enjoying most is reconnecting with my childhood friends. Especially those ones I've had since grammar school. Some of them I haven't seen or spoken to in 20+ years, but we've picked up as if we haven't missed a day. I imagine that is what it is/was like if everyone stayed in town they grew up in only to leave for college. But now, some many of us have moved away that we would never just run in to one another in town, but we can on FB:) It is fun to see everyone grown-up with families and jobs, roles I would have never seen.

I also enjoy the friendly banter between my "every day friends", because sometimes the phone is hard with spouses and kids:)

And my family, FB gives my brother, sister and I yet another venue to harass each other in:)

The only bad thing I can say about FB is that I wish it had been my idea so I could reap some financial benefits to my endless hours on there:)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thanks Blogger!

I have been blogging for just over a year now and it has been amazing. I never imagined all the "friends" I would meet through blogger and all the support I would receive everyday for whatever is going on in my life.

The stories I have followed have touched my heart, some with happy endings some not, but all stories of real people. People that would never have been brought together without blogging.

The generosity of people is unbelievable too. I knew people could be generous, but to see so much of it between people who are only "virtual" friends is awesome. I really love it and it makes me happy.

Thank you all for making Blogger such and awesome place and for sharing your lives with me!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not Liking The Change

I have spent the past week growing more and more concerned with the conservative cause. By nature I am moderately conservative, but more libertarian and that has not changed. What has me upset and angry is that in less than a week, the New President or should I call him the second coming, has push two insane policies with Nancy Pelosi pushing a third.

The policies in question are federal funding for abortion and "the fairness act". On the abortion issue, my only problem is the federal funding, I am not against abortion as a choice. I am opposed to my tax dollars being spent on what I see as an elective procedure. By all means, if you would like to make that choice, I support you. This annoys me on two fronts, one the funding issue and two, many of these people approving federal funding for abortion are the same people who oppose the death penalty. I just don't understand how you justify one as murder and not the other. Yes, I know many conservatives are against abortion and for the death penalty and they are no more right. For me, no matter how you put it, federal funds for abortions is wrong- it is like giving federal funding fro a boob-job.

Next issue I have is the new "fairness" act that will affect mainly talk-radio which has it's highest rated shows hosted by conservative hosts. This "fairness" act would have these shows change what they were saying in the interest of being "fair" and put out both sides. Um....censorship, WTF. I think it is interesting that news papers, and "news" outlets will not be affected. Seriously, even Leno suggested that President Obama would be holding a party at his headquarters CNN. I am in no way for censorship. I am finding the entire notion of this disgusting and Americans should be ashamed of their leaders for even attempting this.

Now lastly, Nancy Pelosi. Offering contraceptives is going to stimulate the economy? I really don't even know how to approach this one, but to say, Get Out Of Our Bedrooms and find a real solution to our problems.

To be fair, I did not vote for President Obama, I voted for Barr/Root.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

To Be A Nobody...

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!
- Emily Dickinson

This has always been my favorite poem and Dickinson my favorite poet and today, I wished to be a nobody.

I have had a few blah days that socially have been disastrous. Normally I am fine in social situations, but today I was not even able to carry on a normal(and I use that term loosely on myself:) conversation with my mother or sister. There are uncomfortable pauses and me talking out of place. Going out has been a nightmare! Today, after an awkward lunch at Carlos where I knew everyone, I ran into some acquaintances at Target and had to start the conversation off with," please forgive me, I am having really bizarre social issues the past few days". To which of course, they laughed their asses-off and insisted I recap all the goofy things I have done the past few days. They laughed, I laughed too being thankful to share all the ridiculous ways I had made an ass of myself. They shared too, embarrassing social situations of their own and I felt better for awhile.

I get into funks in the winter and no matter how much preparation I do, I always end up this way. The topper this year has been Husband's new gig at work. He leaves too early and gets in too late and I am having trouble adjusting to the new times. Because while I claim to DETEST schedules, I live for routine:) And now it will take me a month or so to adjust and just as I do, it will change again! Hopefully by that time I will have more daylight hours! A friend on facebook has started a countdown to Spring for us, and I love her for it- Not too much longer and my FUNK will be gone and I will smile again:) The social awkwardness however will come and go periodically as it always has.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Bye, People...Now lets moving

Well, the people are mostly gone and now we are just back to our regular(terrible) traffic. We(my family) watched the swearing in on TV yesterday and most of the other events of the day. It is one of my favorite events as an American. I am so proud of the United States when I see the change of power go so smoothly. Democracy at its best! I cannot see what the first 100 days brings.

Now, on to the trivial bull-sh*t that consumes my daily life.

The good- My new furniture will be delivered tomorrow morning! I am very excited as we are down to a broken couch to share for seating in the living room:) I also found curtains, switch plates, lamps and a TV stand to almost complete the room(I think I need 1 end table). In the kitchen, that was also painted, I got some new dishes, they match the paint:)

The bad- Husband and I have not been on the same page as of late and his "reading-between-the-lines" skills have not been up to par. Tonight, he called as he was leaving work to let me know he was on the way(Declan had Boy Scouts and Husband does that:) so, I said to him that I had fed the kids and we would eat after the meeting. Well, in my world the means, I don't have a dinner plan for us so think about it on the way home and let me know - In his mind that meant, great she will figure out dinner and have it ready after the meeting. Needless to say, when 8 o'clock rolled around and my boys were walking in from their meeting, husband was NOT happy that no dinner was planned. I can understand why he was a bit annoyed, I mean leaving the house at 5:45am and walking in at 8pm could make you hungry and grouchy. So I apologized for the misunderstanding and threw a frozen pizza in the oven and a bowl of salad on the table and we called it dinner. All was good in the end, but the lesson I learned- be clear with my husband, he is not a mind-reader(thank goodness:)

Monday, January 19, 2009


I made no secret of the fact that I did not vote for Sen. Obama for president, but once he was elected, I accepted that and moved on. I moved on and am hopeful that all the Dreams he promised will come true. I am looking forward to seeing a young family in the White House and I think Mrs. Obama will be a very exciting First Lady.

Now, with all that love written, I cannot wait for this ridiculous inauguration to be over! I want my city back! I want all of these people gone! It is the middle of winter, the city is supposed to be empty and available for local use, with no lines or crowds:) Traffic is one(and maybe the biggest) problems we have around here and this "event" has been causing and will continue to cause traffic nightmares! On Tuesday morning, at 2am ALL of the bridges form VA to DC will be closed, loads of streets downtown will be shut down, a mess I tell you! Thousands of law enforcement officials from across the country are here to help, and I thank them and hope they brought warm clothes:) On I95, there are just buses and buses full of people coming to town! I want them to all go home, I am done!

All this may just be bitterness because my chosen candidate lost, but still I want them gone! I want them gone and my Husband and children back to school!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Because Sometimes He's Awesome...

After working 50+ hours this week and commuting another 10+, my husband spent the day furniture shopping with me and never complained once about it! Oh, he also pushed through about three loads of laundry! I'm not sure what's gonna happen next but usually the bottom "falls-out" and things turn ugly. I know that will be the case around here if the Steelers don't win tomorrow:) Until then I will enjoy the help!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So Much To Do, So Little Time

Where are the hours going? I go to bed each night with an idea for the day ahead and it seems that when I go to bed the following night I have the things from the previous day's list and lots of all new things to add. Everything is taking longer than it was supposed to, the kids aren't sleeping well so they are tired, Husband has been working very, very long hours(for this I am not complaining, I am happy he has a job to work late at) I am just having to work later too:)

I feel like I am running all over town dropping off and picking up kids- hours I waste. I need a vacation! The weather is crazy! It was 28 degrees today and today was to be the warmest day until Saturday or Sunday! Nobody wants to leave the house, which is not making me eager to jump out of bed. There is hope in sight! The girls and I were able to score some decent fares for flights to Florida at the end of the month. It won't be a long trip, but 5 days of warm and sun will last awhile!

In the meantime I will try to entertain my family for our long weekend together(as an added benefit to living in the DC metro area the husband and kids have Tuesday off:) and stay warm! We thought about heading out-of-town, but with the AFC Championship Game on Sunday, and the Steelers playing in it, we will just stay here! Maybe a day-trip if we thaw alittle on Monday:) Perhaps we can get the painting done and furniture bought too!!!

Before I leave, I would like to ask you, if you don't already to so, send some happy thoughts to two of my Blogging Buddies,you can find their stories here and here, both of these gals have had a crappy start to 2009! They could use some sunshine and happiness!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Me! Me! Me!

I bet you are wondering WHY it is 7:30am on Saturday morning and I am up blogging. The reason is that husband has decided he is going to be a big selfish jerk!!! The past few days have not been "good" here. We are not on the same page, so everything has become a snippy comment. My annoyance stems from his inability to see past the end of his own nose! He truly has been worse and more self-centered than the kids. I am just not sure when it was that I turned-in my right do anything I wanted to ever! Since getting married and having children I have always put my families "needs" before mine and most of the time their "wants" too, but ever once-in-awhile I choose to do something that I want(and usually doing it means dragging a kid or three along). The problem with that is there is always a problem with what I want to do, it isn't the right time, or place, any other reason my family can come up with to complain about doing it!

I know that this too will pass, but the next few days are not going to be full of smiles and fun between Husband and I!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pissed Off

I have mentioned before and I am sure I will again, how much I dislike my MIL. Today is no different. Last night we learned that my SIL is expecting her first child(we are very happy for then; although neither of them likes children:) Cut to how the MIL is involved, she is on the phone with Husband right now lamenting about how hard it is going to be for them to have a child blah,blah,blah....Whatever! It is an adjustment for anyone when they become a parent. And lots of Moms have to work full time. My sister gave birth(C-section) on Feb.1st and had to go back to work March 10th. Yes, I was lucky not to have to head-back to full time work, instead my husband was on a plane and traveling by the time my kid was 3 weeks old!!!! And then when I got pregnant with my daughter(My son was 5 months old) I saw my husband for about 30 days from Easter to Election Day- the baby was born Dec.18th!!!!!

I am sorry, but the pity party is not going to fly here!

Friday, January 2, 2009

A Look Back & Ahead

I found this on Becky's blog and thought it looked fun-

1. What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before? I am trying to keep this blog PG-13, so no comment:)

2. Did you keep your previous New Year's resolutions, and will you make new ones for next year? Um...not even close and the only one I made this year was not to make any:)

3. Did anyone you know give birth? yes.

4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thank goodness

5. What countries did you visit? None, stayed in the US all year

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? patience, time, more money

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Sept.2, because I sent two of my babies off to full-day school

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Finishing college

9. Did you suffer from illness or injury? Not really, pneumonia twice, but nothing seriuos

10. What was the best thing you bought? our new car with the DVD player

11. Did your behavior change over the year? Unfortunately not:)

12. Where did most of your money go? BILLS!

13. What did you get really excited about? our trips to OBX, with family and friends

Compared to this time last year, are you:

1. Richer or poorer? about the same

2. Did you fall in love? yes, with my new niece

3. What was your favorite TV program? Swingtown

4. What was the best book you read? The latest Johanna Lindsey

5. What was your favorite film of the year? Not really a new movie watcher

6. Thinner or fatter? about the same

7. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I was 33 and I had dinner at home with my husband and kids

8. What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? all three of the monsters going to school

9. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? MOM

10. What kept you sane? my telephone and computer:)

11. What political issue stirred you the most? The Presidential Election

12. Who was the best new person you met? Gracie

13. What is a valuable lesson you learned in 2008? That it is possible to love your family more and more each year

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year...Welcome 2009

I read an article yesterday about Happiness. The premise was that the reason so many people feel "unhappy" is because the term "happiness" is too difficult to define and then obtain that what we should really desire is satisfaction. Satisfaction is more easily defined and therefore easier to achieve.

I though a great deal about this after I read the article and have decided that I am going to give it a try. I am going to strive for satisfaction in the New Year. To redefine my goals to achieve satisfaction and not happiness, I am hoping will bring more inter-peace and a much more balanced "ME", One that finds more enjoyment in life.

Satisfaction is my word for the year and maybe the years to come:)

Enjoy 2009!