It's been awhile since I last wrote, nothing to say, tired of wallowing in self-pity, LAZY, so many reasons. Now, I feel I NEED to write. I cannot stay quiet any longer. I can no longer live in a country, in a world with so much anger and hatred.
Anger and hatred, it's just everywhere! I have 3 teenagers and trying to build a positive, happy and service-centered life feels impossible. There is hate all over the news, on social media, the kids school at WalMart! It's everywhere. The reason this has really come to a head for me is that this hate, this ugliness, this lack of acceptance starts with our President! It starts at the very top! When you have the kind of Hate in your heart that the President of the United States has and shares with the world, it's no wonder it trickles down.
This hate and lack of acceptance has spread like wildfire. People seem to have no ability to have civil conversations with a person with differing views. No, we have hate rallies and protests. What are folks protesting? Race, religion, sexuality. Sure there is plenty more people are hating but race, religion and sexuality seem to make the list at least weekly.
It's 2019, how are we still hating and fighting about race? You are aware that the color of one's skin is a) not something a person chooses b) is simply an external difference, everything inside is the same no matter the color of your skin c) makes the world a beautiful place.
Next, let me tell you how over religious hate I am. As a Christian, my first goal is to live "Christ-like". What does that mean to me? It means to love and serve others. Nowhere does Christ preach to hate people that are a different race or for who they love or for any reason! CHRISTIANS!!! JESUS DOES NOT PREACH HATE! No matter how or what you read or are taught in your church, I promise you he is not for hate! I challenge you to find a teaching that says otherwise. Love thy neighbor, serve your neighbor *unless they are a different race?* *Unless the believe in a different God?* *Because they are attracted to someone of the same sex?* Show me these verses in your Bibles because they aren't in mine.
Lastly, I cannot understand the hate for the LBGTQ community. Understand and stop lying about it because these folks aren't out recruiting your children or any children. In fact, they spend the majority of their time hiding who they are and from people so they aren't physically harmed or mentally, emotionally tortured. They often hide themselves into depression and even suicide. And you know what, each one of those suicides is on the hands of all of you that hate and Bully and shame the LBGT community. That hate kills people.
The lack of acceptance, the hate, the anger, it leads to too many deaths. Too many lives gone too soon and for nothing more than fear and ignorance of people just wanting to live their lives like you! My kids deserve more, your kids deserve more, we owe it to ourselves to stand up to hate. To break the streak of anger. Smile, say hello, stand up when you see bullying, when you see racism. Different DOESN'T mean bad, wrong; it simply means not the same. Think about it. Be positive! End Hate.