I remember when I was growing-up learning how things only had the value they do because we agree to it. For example, D-O-G spells dog, the symbol 1 represents one item and so on. I believe this concept to be true. The concept that symbols, sounds, words, laws, only hold the value you accept them to. Remember when President Clinton pondered what the meaning of "is" is? Well, my point is that things mean different things to different people. Sometimes it is because of where you live or how you grew-up. Sometimes your "meaning" comes from your own life experience. The point is, that until you walk in someone's shoes, you cannot know what is meant by their words or body language. I think before people judge others, they should remember that their way is NOT the right way for everyone, that their way is NOT everyone's way and that is okay.
Next topic. People are ignorant! It is ignorant to put people down because you disagree with their opinion on an issue. Not sharing the same opinion is fine, not having the facts to make a knowledgeable judgment is ignorant. I have a friend that I almost NEVER agree with on ANYTHING from the way we parent to politics, that said, it is a rare occasion when she and I are unable to discuss an issue civilly. We hear what one another is saying and respect the passion and knowledge the other has for the issue. When we are done, we rarely convince one another to change sides, but we also do not think the other "wrong" for their beliefs. This is not the case with most of the people I know and it makes me wonder. Why do so many people become defensive and mean when someone questions what they believe? Why do people resort to putting others down when they disagree with them? I guess it is because they could NEVER be wrong. I guess it is because their way is the ONLY way. I guess I should be happy for those "perfect" people that are ALWAYS right and have life all figured out. To never have to listen or hear what others are saying must be a satisfying life.
People are different, some are crazy, but it is all good.
I will agree that a dog is a dog, and a rose is still a rose, even by another name. Tomato-tomato. (Gore would say potato, potatoe)
I do find the mis-use of language to have an effect on thought though. I often wonder, do teenage girls have an inner monologue that includes "like" as every third or fourth word?
To put simply in a very complicated manner (see what I just did), lets consider something that is not language, a symbol perhaps. Let us look at the swastika. Until Nazi Germany adapted the swastika as their symbol, it had been used by many ancient cultures. From the Mayans, American Natives, to Hindus, and Asian culture, the swastika was a positive symbol of luck, fertility, flow, and dealt a positive annotation. Today, it is almost completely associated with hatred, racism, and bigotry. That type of "change" can and does happen with language as well (consider the word "gay") but certain words still maintain their original meaning. It may be "cute" or "endearing" to use a term or phrase with someone by meaning no harm, but our subconscious does not know that.
One experience I encounter that I find bothersome is the greeting of "Uh-oh, look who's here, trouble just arrived!" from a cook when I show up to pick up deliveries for my Meals-On-Wheels route. Although this person may think they are being "cute" or "lighthearted" by labeling me as "trouble", I become offended because in now way am I trouble to that system. As a matter of fact, I am helpful and generous. So when I arrive, the loud greeting of "trouble" arriving is announced throughout the cafeteria, and those attending their lunch are given the impression that I am some sort of difficulty or someone to be left alone, rather than what I truly am. The person greeting me in such fashion is predetermining others impression of who I am, without taking into account my feelings or the impression given to others. So although the intention may be to be humorous or endearing, it effects me on a negative basis internally (my emotions) and externally (others perceptions. I will gracefully explain this fact to this person and politely ask them to address me in another way ("The good help has arrived!" or "Look everyone, its the physical embodiment of altruism!").
So words do affect both the speaker and the listener, positively and negatively. Call a good kid "trouble" or "monster" enough times, and you may see negative changes in their behavior and begin to find trouble and monstrous deeds soon follow. Contrarily, tell a bad kid that they have the ability to be good enough times, and you will find a change in the positive direction.
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. Usually you know what you are going to get. Once in awhile life can be like eating popcorn without looking, and you bite on an un-popped kernel. Or its like stubbing your toe because you weren't looking where you were going.
ok - yeah-- thats was a long enough comment.
have a good one!
Boy that friend sounds awesome and so open minded...oh and pretty, did I mention pretty?
All in all that was a very complex blog entry and has left my head spinning and mind wondering,
I will definitely be following you and hope for recent updates :]
I just ask that you would kindly check out my blog and follow me also, please and thank-you!
Cheers, Dan.
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