Thursday, April 1, 2010

Words Escape Me...

I cannot tell you the number of times I have read this story over the past two days and each time I read it, I get the same sick feeling come over me. It is not that I am surprised because rarely am I surprised by the awful things people do, but I am horrified that a child was put through this at the insistence of a "sister".

To ask the question "Who in their right mind would do such a thing?" does not seem like the right question. No one in their "right mind" would prostitute a 7 year old. A seven year old that trusted you. How do you take money from MEN! Men and Boys to have sex with your 7 year old sister? Not only was this baby raped by countless people, but she was also threatened. Ordered not to scream as she was raped repeatedly. Threatened to be killed if she told anyone. How in the world does a 7 year old recover from that? How does that 7 year old ever trust again? How she EVER have a "normal" relationship again? Will she be able to sleep peaceful again? Will she ever do the things that 7 years do without feeling "different"? These are the questions I want answered. That is why I have reread this article so many times.

As the mother of a 7 year old girl, I cannot imagine someone doing that to her. I don't know if she would be able to continue to live. I know her life would never be the same. I heart is heavy as I think about the baby that had this done to her. I hope she gets the support she needs. I hope she finds a way to make her way back to some sense of a "good life". I do not know this 7 year old girl, but she has changed the way I look at the world and has made me distrust people a little more and hold my monsters a little tighter.

Please keep this girl in your thoughts as you hug your family today.


Slakk said...

It is terrible. The even sadder thing is that this type of sick behavior happens all over the world, all the time. You just do not hear about it. It is estimated that over 35% of unsolved kidnappings of children under 13 years of age are for the sex trade. There was even a case in California a few years ago that got busted where you could actually kill a child for the right price (just so you could see what it feels like).
There are sick people in this world. but that shouldn't turn you into a helicopter parent or make you paranoid. Statistics show that your child is completely safe 99.99% of the time.


1)That "sister" needs to be put away for life.

2) The men who violated the little girl should be executed.