Monday, October 21, 2013

The Reset Button.

It is time to hit the "reset button" on my life. I've allowed myself to be carried away by the routine of life and forgotten how to live life, how I WANT to live my life, forgotten what is important. It used to be that when this happened to me I would spend hours or days beating myself up for wasting time(what a waste of time:) Not this time, this time I am just going to try hitting reset.

I am going to make a list and check it twice, hoping that I manage to get some of the "to-do's" off my list or atleast not do things that are not on the list. I want to spend more time with the monsters and I haven't picked up picked up a book in months. I am not sure of the last time I kissed my husband or played fetch with the pups. I just don't want to let things get too far away that I need a road map back!

And this is why...

I've made it 1/2 a year without him.

Life is too short to beat myself up over how I could live it better, I am just reminding myself that I am here to live it.