Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hiding? Me?

Yes, I have been hiding from my blog, I started feeling uncomfortable putting my "junk" out in the world. Lucky for all of you I have come to these conclusions 1) Blogging really helps me release some of the junk in my head 2) I like when people read it and 3) my life is just to dang interesting to deprive y'all any longer:) So, I will just jump back in like I never left. Life is BUSY around here. Baseball games, softball games 4th grade, 3rd grade, 1st grade, vacations including the husbands current one at the local hospital. Life is busy. Life is busy but I am calm. The past several weeks as brought an amazing sense of calm to my life. Internal peace. I have not mentioned it much for fear of jinxing it I guess, but it seems to be sticking around! I hope this means that I have found what I have been looking for...balance. Surely with all I have going on this week will be the test!

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