Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy for the Weekend

I may be the only person that willingly rises early on Saturday & Sunday morning. 6:30am, I am up letting the dogs out, calling my mom, cleaning up and enjoying the quiet in the house. Sure I have the house to myself ALL week from 845-330, but itʻs just not the same. During the week I have to get up, out of bed and TRY to get three grouchy monsters showered & out the door. Not on the weekends. On the weekends I get to enjoy a slow morning, quiet time with my mom and I have the added bonus of the monsters waking when THEY want and being happy most of the day! Maybe that is what makes weekends so good for me, time spent with a HAPPY Family, MY happy family. My well rested, un-rushed family. Although I am not sure how I married a night owl, had three kids and I am the ONLY morning person in the family:) Most nights now I am in bed asleep before ALL of them! Itʻs over now, I here a monster stirring...It is 915 so I guess I cannot be too disappointed:)

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