Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ronald Reagan, What I am Celebrating on 100 Years.

While I have only lived under seven Presidents in my lifetime and can really only remember Reagan-Obama; I have been eligible to vote in only 5 Presidential elections, I have been fortunate enough to meet one President and say without hesitation that Ronald Reagan is MY FAVORITE PRESIDENT thus far.

As I have mentioned many times, I am a cultural & political junkie(yes, I know DORKY:), but I am. With this said, I have spent much time over the past few months watching footage of Reaganʻs Speeches and interviews and listening to others reflect on their experiences with him and I have wondered what do I find so Great about this man. What I came up with surprised me some, mostly because it took me so long to put together.

I admire, respect, appreciate and thank Ronald Reagan because he reminds me of my father, well aside from that fact that my dad is a lifetime Democrat & Liberal NUT:) No, my father was never President or a Hollywood Actor, Governor or Public Speaker, but what he is, is a Great Communicator, a Great Patriot, an Optimist, a Protector and an honest man. It is true that I only knew Ronald Reagan as President, what I saw on television or in movies, but when I saw/heard him I could listen for hours, he could make me smile & feel safe and make me proud to be an American. All lessons I was first taught from my dad. That is why I first found Ronald Reagan so AWESOME, he reminded me of my dad.

Like Ronald Reagan, my father has a disease that will eventually take him from us, he is suffering with Lung Cancer. With all that my dad is going through and we are going through as a family, sometimes I donʻt see his optimism and humor as much. I struggle now to protect him and make him smile, I wonder if that is how President Reaganʻs family felt?

I know my dad has his toughest fight ahead of him these days, but I know he will fight through it, if only for our family. I know he will continue to make us laugh and protect us, I just hope he lets us do the same for him.

So, on the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reaganʻs birth, I would like to say Thank You to my dad for having the qualities of a great man so that I have been able to recognize and enjoy those qualities in another Great Man.

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