Monday, January 11, 2010

Just Shut Up!

You know the saying "think before you speak"? Well, why is there not one that says "When you are speaking and the little voice inside your head says, STOP SAYING THIS, Listen"? I need that to be a saying that I live by. Today, like so many days in my life I found myself talking and talking about things that should never have been heard beyond my own mind. This started at about 8:30 this morning and continued throughout the entire day until I managed to totally and completely embarrass myself by 4pm.

The most disturbing part of this experience is that when I was telling the husband what I had done and he was not at all surprised. Seems he has witnessed this awesome skill of mine:) I am starting to have a better understanding of why he tells me not to speak when we met famous/important people such as the President of the United States. I used to think he was just afraid I would embarrass him, but no, I was going to embarrass myself and maybe take him with me:)

In light of today's events, I will try to keep a low profile for the rest of the week and hope that something bigger and better will occur tomorrow to make my mishaps of today be forgotten.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I have to admit I chuckled inside when I read about your musings. On more occasions than I would like to admit I have found myself scratching my head thinking to myself..I did not say that outloud did I. Then I look over to see the expression of my daughter or my other half which confirms, yeap it came out of my mouth!!
Thanks for sharing