When I had my first baby I lived in Manassas,VA and knew nobody! Nobody at all out there. So, after Declan was born I joined the local MOMS Club. It was great and I learned alot. Some good, most not:) What was good was meeting people and getting out of the house with my babies and being with other people that were at the same point in their lives as I was. Anyway, one of the friends I met there(one of only two I still speak too:) asked me after I had Declan if I was going to have more children. I answered that I wasn't sure and she said that she thought I would have more. I asked her why she thought that and she said that as a Mom you know when you are done. So, I got pregnant with Maggie and I felt done. Maggie was born and I felt done. Now Maggie is 4 and the thought of another, well lets just say I haven't asked Ben to reverse the vasectomy:) I wondered if I was going to feel this way with everyother person I know being pregnant, but I do!
My friend babysits for a mostly delightful 3 month that I hold and carry, cuddle and kiss more than I thought I would, but I feel only joy when I hand her back. My SIL is pregnant and I suppose I will hold the baby a time or two(maybe) but I want no more. I am done. And I know the feeling my friend was talking about. It is a feeling you cannot explain to mother before they have it themselves, but you know it when you have it.
I wish every mother were able to come to the feeling on their own, but I know that for many reasons the number of children on can have often depends on more than desire and for all of you that experience that I am sorry, but for all of you that do, isn't it an incredible feeling?
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