Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Good & Bad of Watching the News ALL Day

Because I cannot pull myself away from the Chilean Miners, I have had the news on all day. I started with the local NBC station, then switched to Good Morning American and once the local channels moved onto regular programming, I switched over to Fox News. I sat and watched Fox News pretty happily until the political talk got strong and I decided to switch over to CNN to see the " other side" of the political coin. What I have decided is that the United States needs some new blood in political office. People that might be willing to listen to what people really want and need. What has been crazy is that I keep hearing on the news that politicians, on both sides, are doing what is best for us. I think it is really great that they know better what we need than we do.

Let me tell you what I don't need. Democrats, I do not need my taxes to be raised. And by doing nothing to extend the Bush tax cuts, my taxes will go back to where they were...TAX INCREASE! And we made under 250000 a year. So, even if you do not raise my taxes higher than they were before the Bush Taxes Cuts, it will still be raising my by not continuing the current rates! And Republicans, I do not want gays to be banned from serving in the military. If some one would like to serve their/my country, I am happy to have them. A HERO is a HERO, I really don't care who they sleep with when they go home and I am not sure why anyone else does! Although, I do wish the Great President Obama would man-up and embrace the end of don't ask don't tell. He sure has not done much to further the cause of equal rights for gays as president.

So, come January, my husband's paycheck will be less because of an expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts and an increase in my health premiums and just like most people their will be little to no cost of living increase to keep this even. Boy, I cannot wait! That should really help the economy and bring down the 9.5 % unemployment rate!!!! Listen politicians, what would be nice is if we could all pay our bills and that everyone that wants a job could have one. I want to vote for that candidate!!!!! Send 'em to me!

1 comment:


It's interesting to note the Obama administration, as of 2/4/09, had spent 2.5 trillion on various bail out money. Yet, the unemployment rate rose. It raised our national debt to over 10 trillion. It seems to me that if the money would have been given directly to tax payers or just laid against the national debt it would have been much better spent.

I make $60,000 per year and already my taxes have gone up a bit. Like you, I can hardly wait to see if they go up again.

And it's not that I dislike Obama, it's just that his political ideals of "redistribution of wealth", national health care system, tax increases and propping up unions with hundreds of billions of dollars while calling all non unionized business evil are a monumental fail.