Thursday, April 14, 2011

Turning Towards The East.

For sometime now I have been interested in exploring Eastern Religions and have most strongly been drawn to Buddhism. I suspect Buddhism has called the loudest as it seems the most easily accessible in my geographic area and online.

The appeal of Buddhism for me comes mostly in the "common sense" feel of the it. While I understand the journey in Buddhism is a life long one and I have barely begun to touch on more than the outer layers, what I have ventured into has been very centering and fulfilling for me. For the first time in a religion I read and truly feel that I understand what I am reading. I may not be able to achieve the goal within a lesson, but I understand the lesson. I understand what I am supposed to do. I know that there is a good chance that I could spend the rest of my life trying to move my mind to a higher level of thought and understand and not get there, but I want to try.

I want to feel the comfort, peace and security I felt when we visited the Byodo-In Temple in Hawaii. I want to enjoy the peace I feel from regular meditation. I want the aura around me to remain full of only positive energy. Believe in humility and live it. Feed my mind with constant knowledge and understanding of others. Learn true patience and compassion for others and no long judge people.

Maybe itʻs crazy that I want this life and maybe it is just a phase, but I hope not. I hope this is a path I can maintain in my life. One that I can share with my family. And not share with them in that I need them to practice with me, but in that I may find peace within myself that will allow me to experience life with them more fully and freely.

Being 5000 miles away from home for 8 days with only my husband and children, in the most beautiful place I have ever been taught me some things 1) Reality Bites 2) my husband and children are more important to me than anything in the world 3) I can find, achieve and maintain peace and happiness for more than a split second, I can do it for days 4)all this is more difficult to remember and achieve in daily life:)

I have decided that I need this and my family needs me to do this. I will keep exploring Buddhism and maybe some other Eastern Religions and maybe I will make up my own by picking and choosing the pieces that work for me and Iʻm okay with that, because what I need is a quiet and calm soul and mind.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Emily, this is so beautifully written! I started reading up on Buddhism also after coming home from my trip, & you're so right, most of it just makes sense. I keep telling people there was something about that place that changed me and made me see how unhappy I was, something magic there, & they look at me like I'm nuts. You get it. It makes you want to make positive changes. Thank you for sharing!