Wednesday, May 2, 2012

House Cleaning, Politics & Whatever

Yes, I know, I know my promises to "blog everyday" have again not been kept. I try but I find myself afraid that I might offend someone or lose a friend over a post, Iʻm done with that now. I am done worrying about people liking me for my opinions. If you donʻt want to know what I think, donʻt read my blog. I donʻt pretend to be "right" all the time or ever for that matter. I just want a place to have MY opinion at the moment I write it. That could change in an hour, a day or never, there is just no way to know:) Today I "cleaned out" my facebook friend-list, I like to do that. Kept my "forever" friends, my family & the very few newbies I enjoy and trust (and that list is SHORT:) Life is filled with too many bite-your-tounge moments that FB should NOT have to be one of them. So for me it will no longer be. For me fb will be a safe place with good friends. Where I can bitch about my bad day or an annoying note from my kidʻs teacher and not worry that I am going to offend or said "teacher" will find out. ʻCuz yeah, those things have happened to me:) And ya know what else, I am did NOT vote for President Obama 4 yrs ago and I am not going to in November either. Iʻm just NOT a Democrat. I am not saying NEVER but alot would have to change for me to move to that extreme. Iʻm not happy with ALL that the Republican Party stands, but I know I am NOT a Democrat. What I do think is that the past 4 years has brought a greater divide among Americans in race, wealth and education than we had seen in some time and I will not support the man I believe is responsible for that divide, President Obama. Who will I vote for? I donʻt know yet, but I will let you know when I know! Because unlike some folks, I believe if someone is worth your vote they are also worth you standing TALL & saying so. But what the hell do I know, not much thatʻs for sure. Thatʻs why I have only this small, free space to give my opinion on:)

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