Thursday, December 23, 2010

I am becoming one of them!!!!

With the addition of Pepe to our family 3 weeks ago, I have moved into "Crazy Dog Lady" category. You see, we have had Gus, our Newfie and the worlds BEST DOG for about 5 years now. He is BIG about 130lbs and taller than me when he stands. That said, there is only so much dressing up and taking out I can do with Gus. Well, that has changed with Pepe. He is all of about 5 lbs and will top out around 14lbs, so him I can dress-up:)

Now let me be clear, Pepe was a birthday gift for my sweet Killi, but I am home with him all day and the monsters are having alittle trouble switching from GIANT NEWF to tiny havanese. So, of course I have had to make it my duty to be Pepe's protector and master, just until he gets more comfortable around here, then I will certainly turn him back over to Killi;-)

Anyway, Pepe is not thick coated like Gus and therefore needs a sweater or jacket to go out in the cold. He has a few sweaters/shirts he got as gifts and I of course could not resist buying a few more. But, not wanting to leave Gussy out, I found these matches for them:

I know,I a crazy and my pups look insane, but I am having fun dressing them up and they are being VERY good sports about letting me:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said... freakin adorable!!!!!