Saturday, January 1, 2011

We Are Set!

Last April Ben and I decided that it was time for us to go away without the monsters, so we exchanged our Orlando timeshare for Oahu. We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii and have not been back since Declan was 10 months old, too long to be away! We were so excited to get the exchange and started looking for airfare. We expected fares to be between $400-600 a person but we were so wrong, it was more like $800-1,000 a person!!! That was something we were having a really hard time swallowing. Then, to make matters worse, Ben starting saying things like "Hawaii is really far away" and "do you really think you are going to be able to leave the kids and go so far away", I wanted to kill him! Of course after that I did not want to travel THAT far away without the monsters, but now what? I did not have $5000 for airfare but I really wanted to go to Hawaii! I have my entire next semester of school arranged around my trip to Hawaii!

Today it all came together! We caught a great sale on American Airlines and used a coupon from the entertainment book and got airfare for the entire family to Oahu! I am so excited, the girls are so excited, Ben still wishes we were traveling without monsters, but happy about Hawaii and Declan...hopefully he'll come around, he thinks there will be too many sharks:)

I am very excited that we are going to be able to enjoy Hawaii with the monsters! It is one of my favorite places I have ever been! I know they will love it...after the 15 hours it takes us to get there:)

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