Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I have always been very proud of the fact that I am an incredibly good judge of character. With my good judgment comes instant and appropriate relationship boundaries for me, except for when they don't. And when that happens, I end up with crazies too involved in my life! I find that this only happens to me when I have too many new "friends" coming into my life and I am in a new area of growth:) For example, this time it was a new school for the kids, a PTO position and new SASA duties. All of these "new" things at once forced me to interact with too many "new" people at once not giving me enough time to set-up the boundaries I need. I think the last time this happened to me was when I was a new mom and joined a MOM'S group, and let me tell you, that ended BAD:)

I am hopeful that these relationships are not going to be that bad, I do know that I need to start taking sometime for me! And being alright with who and what I am! I have not changed, I may "try-on" different hats sometimes and it may take me a minute to realize they don't fit. but eventually I take them off and put my ratty-old, comfy hat back on!

So now the two week trip to NJ that I was dreading, is looking like a gift from GOD! Time to get away and relax in MY HAT;-)

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