Friday, September 3, 2010

The Good, The Bad & Moving On...

There are times in life when you just have to realize that things are not what they were and move on. This can be sad and reflective and that is okay, but in the end you know that moving on, alone is best. As you begin to move past the "incident" that caused the final blow you begin to realize that the high that once was had been gone for much longer than you ever wanted to admit. It is not easy to make the break especially when children are involved, but when you see that your kids have also been hurt, you know what has to be. The End. All that is left is memories. Memories of so many good times and milestones. Memories that you will hold forever.

Moving on will be strange and sometimes sad, but each day will be better and less sad. New memories will be made and there will be different people to share them with. I am ready to look ahead to the new and exciting and am determined to not repeat the past.

Today is a new day and I am going to make it a good one!

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