Friday, October 31, 2008

I Admit It

I am really not a very good time-manager:) Yes, after trying to pretend for awhile that I am, I am admitting defeat. On a day-to-day basis I am fine, but boy do I not work well under pressure. That may be an understatement, because under pressure I just freeze. I can get nothing at all done. I guess I will not be running for president anytime soon:)

No big deal though, everything gets done that needs too, so what if it takes alittle while. I am working on refocusing my life(again) and remember that there are lots of things that CAN wait until tomorrow if there is something "better" to do. A book with a kid, cuddles on the couch, trip to the park, fun with friends and thing big or small, just more fun. You know, work on "Living Like You Are Dying".

I suspect that my "new" look at life has more to do with me looking for excuses to validate my inability to "keep-up" but it is true. I wonder if my kids will care when I am gone if they had to grab their clothes out of the bin instead of getting them from the closet. Or that they ate eggs for dinner instead of some fancy-homemade dinner because we stayed at the pool too late. No, I don't think so. And I want them to know how much I enjoy being their mom and spending time with them. But not just them, I have not been doing a good job with my husband either. Dishes that HAVE to get done before bed instead of a few quite moments to talk, the dishes could wait until morning. Well, whatever the reason, I hope I can keep looks up and remember that tomorrow will be there and so will the dishes-

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bob Barr 2008 — Liberty for America

Bob Barr 2008 — Liberty for America


I am not very old and have not been around for too many presidential elections, but I can say that this is one for the books. I remember four years ago how divided the country seemed, but that pales in comparison to what I am seeing and experiencing this time. Friends and family that used to be able to discuss and agree-to-disagree have stopped discussing Politics all together and in some cases stopped talking to each other. This election is about more than the two men running for president, it is making people really stop and look at what they believe in. With the economy in its current state, people are really taking note of what is being said and how each candidate's policies will effect them.

Personally, I am ready for it to be over. This weekend I made my decision on how to cast my vote, and in the interest of full disclosure, I will share that I am going to vote for Bob Barr & Wayne Allen Root, the Libertarian Party. I will also be voting that way for the US Senate seat in VA. For Congress I will vote for Rob Whitman, because he has been doing a very good job. So, there you have it, where I stand on the issues and the election.

I hope everyone goes out and votes! And if you are undecided, check these guys out

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Venting Again!

Alright, it pisses me off when people have blogs and then bitch when people comment on them in a negative or controversial way. A few tips/choices for you: (a) keep a journal not a blog (b)set your blog to private (c) don't blog about controversial issues. Yes, it is your blog and your right to post what you wish, but if you are going to put it out there, be proud of it and ready to defend it or not care when someone else disagrees publicly with you, even in the comment section of your blog. Just own who and what you are; be proud of it and if you're not, rethink your life and why the comment hurt so much.

Enough, I am done!

An Idea...

This morning my mother suggested to me that I make a list of all the commitments I have and then maybe I can mange it better. Well, I will give it a shot-what do I have to loose?

*U8 coordinator for soccer
*Front Desk volunteer
*pick kids up form school
*get Maggie to and from school M,W,F
*CCD Thursday
*swimming on Sunday
*church Saturday night
*classes for me
*normal household chores
*parent 3 chilren
*Assist coaching soccer

Now all I need is a schedule for all of this that helps me be able to do it all, and do it well. If there is a scheduler out there that can help, I am open to help:)

New Look!

I thought it was time for a change and I thought if I started with my blogs, maybe the rest of my life would fall in line too:) It is late and I am still up. I am tired, but not able to sleep. Today was a long tough day, but tomorrow I know will be better.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am a believer in Capitalism. Here is the definition as found in Merriam-Webster : an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. Barack Obama is a Socialist. Here is the definition 1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.

That is why I will NEVER vote for him. Thank You Sen. Obama but I am quite capable of deciding how to spend my own money. And No, I do not feel a need to SHARE the money that MY family makes to support those who make less. We have made many, many sacrifices to get where we are. And we already pay too much in taxes. So, to be told that we should "spread the wealth" PISSES ME OFF! If you want more- then go work for it. You need a better job- go to school like we did. Nobody paid for my education, I will be paying for it FOREVER, but that is what I needed to do to have a career I want.

Yes, I know that there are some out there that will read this and think I am an elitist, but then you don't know me. What I am is a hard working lady, with a hard working husband who doesn't feel that I should foot the bill for people because I have worked hard and they haven't!

No Time

Here is where I'm at- I am 33, a wife, mother of a 7, almost 6 and 3 1/2 year old, Master's student, chef, house keeper, driver, PTO volunteer, Classroom volunteer, soccer coordinator; there is more, but you get the point.

As of this moment I have too much on my plate. I am not able to do all I need to or any of what I want too. IF I could make a list of my have-tos and my want-tos, I wonder if I would be better at getting them done.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another Day!

I am back home after never making it to Graduation and now I am sick. Sick with a cold that seems to be getting worse and worse as the hours pass. Now it is so far, just a cold so it is more annoying than anything else. I hate not being able to breathe out of my nose and the heavy breathing is not at all sexy as it is followed by or in conjunction with nose blowing and sneezing:)

I have still been able to get most of my "work" done today, but those around me have had to suffer through the whining in the process. Yes, I am an awful sicky. Lots of complaining and whining and complaining and whining:) Luckily, husband is used to it after 18 years- and I am happy to say it has not gotten any worse during that time:) The biggest problem here when I am sick is that I like people to take-care of me and husband likes to be left alone when he is sick, so trying to get him to wait on me is tough:) It doesn't matter much because tomorrow it is back to the crazies. Soccer practice on Monday(Damn Coach:) and volunteering in Declan's class, Wednesday is Farm Day, Thursday RE, Friday Front Desk and Tuesday and Thursday I have got to get the laundry done.

I hope this cold moves through FAST!

Friday, October 17, 2008


We are here! Beautiful Hampton, VA! Bec and I drove down with Gray and the girls and Husband will follow with Declan and the in-laws. They have all gathered to witness my College Graduation!

I am so excited that they could all come and share this with me! It has taken many years to get here, but I did it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Finding Answers

Seems I've been hiding from my blogs lately:) School started up this week so that had been busy, plus all my volunteering at school(no, I still haven't learned to say it:)

In my free time I have been researching my religion. We've been back at church now for about 3 months and it has been good. I am really comfortable there, and I really am enjoying the family-time church gives us. The more time I spend on my journey, the more questions I have. My latest question is this: Why do Christians not celebrate Passover? If Christ was Jewish and the Last Supper a Passover Feast, than why is it not celebrated? I am finding the answers to most of my questions, but as I do I have more to ask. I am enjoying it though. Also, I received Communion at church this weekend for the first time in many, many years. I felt so peaceful afterward. I hope I can continue this journey and find peace and answers along the way.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Things That Piss Me Off...

*people who are rude when you are doing them a favor

*Husbands that go away on business and don't leave the name of their hotel

*Husbands that go away and turn-off their cell phones, after they don't leave the name of their hotel

*PTO's that really have NO intention of being Parent-Teacher Organizations, but rather Private-Tight-lipped-Ogars!

*when my kids don't eat the dinner I make

*Husbands that leave their alarm set for 5am when they are out of town staying in a hotel they never gave you the name of

As you can see, I have been a bit annoyed the past day or so. Nothing major, but sometimes the little things get me HOT! I am not sure I am going to watch the debate tonight, Politics may be what puts me over the edge- round-talkers(which ALL politicians are) piss me off too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Debate

So, I watched and what I thought was, boy I wish it was these two running for president. In my earlier post you will see that I did not have very high hopes for Gov. Palin and I thought she did it MUCH better than I thought she was going to. As for Sen. Biden, I will again say, I am a fan, I find him very charming and knowledgeable and I may be the ONLY person that DOESN'T think he talks too much:)

This debate really didn't sway my vote. I am still not sure. I do think this election does come down to fundamental beliefs that people have, and what is most important to you on election day.

My Favorite Part:

When talking about Dafur- Both Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden are supporting a NO FLY ZONE. Um...Because the biggest problem in Darfur is the fly-over bombings? I think NOT!


Stereotypes. The interesting thing about them is that they come from somewhere. Yes, they are generalizations on groups of people, but they hold some truth. It is not to say that all people of a group meet that generalization, but the majority do or did. Stereotypes make great punch lines for jokes and easy research for marketing companies, but they also hinder people. They cause people to close doors on potential friends, lovers, schools, political candidates and so much more.

I love stereotypes when they are used well. They can be very helpful, but when it comes to judging individuals, I leave them behind. I wish more people in the world would do the same.

As an aside:

** Don't forget to watch the VP Debate Tonight. I am dying to see the interaction between Biden and Palin. You all know I LOVE JOE BIDEN(sincerely), but I think he needs to walk a line tonight to be knowledgeable yet not condescending(which maybe difficult considering his experience compared to hers:) Not to say I dislike Palin, or would mind her as VP, I am just saying Biden has alot more experience-

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


One of my only good qualities is my ability to compartmentalize. This is usually a very helpful quality which helps me to both be efficient and multi-task and also keep many acquaintances and few "good" friends. This ability to compartmentalize combined with my amazing ability to remember useless things has gotten me far in life and through tough times. However, today it was brought to my attention that I may be too good at compartmentalizing and that I sometimes take too far, putting everything/people its place in my mind and never moving it. Maybe I should work on this and try alittle inclusion, I will however need to be careful about that, I would not want to include my boyfriend and husband in the same date night:)