Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Wrong Way!

I have spent the better part of my day watching the House debate the Health Care Bill and resolutions. It is making me sick. It is not about where I stand on health care, but the fact that this Bill is full of back-door deals and buy-offs to get votes for a Bill that ALL the poles say the majority of Americans oppose.

I don't think people oppose the idea of health care reform or coverage, but they oppose this Bill with the lies and the tax hikes it has in store. I am not sure that now is the time to raise taxes for coverage that will not begin for years. I have sat and listened to Democrats...Hold up, I just listened to an extension of the first time home-buyer credit be added to health care...WTF!!!! Are we doing Health Care or just everything? I wonder why people are so distrusting of Congress.

So, back to health care, the Democrats have stood tall today shouting about saving Americans money and getting everyone health care, but this Bill does not do that. This Bill raises taxes TODAY, but coverage will not begin for many, many years. Who is that good for? The Americans with no jobs struggling to pay their bills. The Americans that have jobs with no health care that will be required, by law to go find coverage for themselves? Now is not the time to strong-arm Americans into health care, not like this. Not with the LIES and Votes that were bought.

I am glad that Congress knows better than the American People, their voters, the people that elected them to office. I hope people remember in November how little their Representative cared about what they wanted or cared about and I hope that in November when the Democrats loose dozens of seats in Congress that the President and Speaker have secured jobs for the Congressmen and Senators that will be sent packing due to the strong-arming they have done.

I only hope that this mess can be fixed before America crumbles completely. Small government. I guess I live in the wrong place. Truly, I could accept universal health care if the majority of Americans supported it. That is NOT the case. Seriously, federally funded abortions? Is there nothing the government will stay out of?

I am very nervous now...I guess I should start figuring how much less the paycheck will be.


Anonymous said...

i kinda like how u reluctantly submit to the fact that it is up to "us" to pay forward for a better future-- best of health to you. Is that the non-partisan bridge? Best-of-Health to you?
If so, well...I'm in on that.
Screw Govt.-- I don't wanna die. That's why we have military forces in the first place, right? So we don't die?(at the hands of an enemy or a state)
Perhaps this passage will lead the way to a cure for cancer.
Just Perhaps?
You don't hear much GOP speculation about that, but lots and lots of scientists are quietly awaiting the barriers to cancer research and treatment drop...and drop fast...
...and when the cure happens...some GOP crunk will be Pres. and take credit for it...
"pull the wool over your own eyes"- JR BOB DOBBS

A Jersey Girl said...

Thanks for reading! I am sorry that my vision of a small government offends you. Again, I would like to make clear that my problem with this Bill is the lack of support it has from the American Public.

Once again, I will clarify that I am NOT a Republican. I am a Libertarian. I believe in small government. A government that allows ME to make the decisions for myself and my family. I am not opposed to the military, I would be happy to have it used less. I would be happy for them to be prepared, but never used. I also understand that our military is a voluntary career choice, a very noble one and I do trust that the President uses them as they see fit to protect our nation.

I am opposed to ridiculous laws the infringe on my civil liberties, laws such as the use of seat belts. I am also opposed to Bills that seemingly, the majority of Americans oppose.

Best-of-Health to you? I believe that is what the Democrats are hoping for over the next few years as they work to collect your taxes dollars with only distant promises of Coverage for all. Coverage for all that will NEVER be fair and equal care for all. With some states and taxpayers paying for health care for All Americans while they try to hold on to their current coverage that was promised not to change.

As for a cure for cancer coming from this, how is that? Is it with all the tax breaks the drug companies will be getting to use for research or the fetus from publicly funded abortions that can be used for research. I must have missed the area of the Bill that promised a cure for Cancer, not that I put it past the Democrats promising it.

Tribe Mama said...

My dear and I walk a different path on so, so, SO many things.. recycling, child rearing, cooking and politics. I have always appreciated that we could discuss our different stances, respectfully, and I always felt like you listened and tried to at least see where I was coming from, and hope you feel the same way too.

My issues with this bill, and where we are for the most part in agreement are:
1. The bill is "hiding" other legislation. This is very common, but still incredibly misleading to the American public. I appreciate that legislators want their bills moved through and will piggyback on a bill with a promise to vote for it, but does the American public review the bill Do they have a say at this point

2. I am all for a hand up and helping those that need assistance. I think that healthcare reform is a great idea...however, I am not positive that the end result of this bill is the best choice, and I am not sure that the results will make the majority of American's happy.

3. I have long argued that there will never be a true representation of the American people until we have a mixed party ticket in office. No matter what, we will always have one group who is happier, and one who isn't, and the split is nearly 50/50. We all know I have no party affiliation, but I am liberal on most fronts, and would love to see the programs we offer help people live and do better. Welfare reform is long overdue, the fact that we have generations of people on welfare means that the system doesn't work. Personally, I would rather pay more in taxes to help people learn skills, find jobs and get off welfare, but sadly the system is not set up that way. I fear the healthcare system is headed to the same dark place of viscous cycles.

Slakk said...

RE: military

you mentioned military is voluntary.
I meant that the reason our government has one, and taxes us for it, is for our protection, so we can continue to live and let freedom ring.

this bill is more pro-life than any law passed in the past 20 years!
think of the people whose lives will be saved (usually low-income, church-goin, god-fearing, pro-lifer republicans)

i mean if that ain't obama goin' against the grain, i don;t know what is?

RE: lack of support
the polls were not "real"
the support was there and the minority that opposed it cried and whined louder than those who thought it was a good idea, so the squeaky wheel was trying to gget the grease...

BTW-- avg income tax return INCREASED by $250 under Obama-- so much for the GWBush so-called "tax-cuts"
I really encourage you to seek information from other sources than FOX news or the local temple...

RE: Libertarianism
are you a LEFT or RIGHT Libertarian?

RE: Cures
the only reason there isn't a cure for MRSA is that it is not cost-effective to find one--
same goes for cancer.
the reason it because of fast mutation rates-- faster than research can keep up with.
That is capitalism working there.
I hear Castro is still alive.

Best of health to you,

i do appreciate the other points of view-- its fun.

Slakk said...

from your comment on my blog:

to you:

u r welcome

(u miss the joke because you do not know my HS nick-name. can u guess what it is?)

(as dragonfly by ziggy marley plays...)



I'm a democrat and I deplore the bill. All it does it create more taxes on the way to a single payer national health care system- which while it has it positive aspects the down side clearly outweighs the former.