Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yes, I know my life's awesome, but now I want to whine.

More than anything I just want to curl up in bed and stay there for days, maybe weeks. I am tired. I am so over this virus/cold. I am not near ready for the upcoming holidays. Oh how I want my bed!

My husband and kids have had about enough of this whining. They are ready for the house work to resume, dinners to be back on the table and for me to be semi-interested on something/someone other than myself; I'm not.

I have been cold for days! I want the 100 degree summer days back. I want the days of sleeping until 10am, packing lunch and heading to the pool back. I want to be warm!

My ear hurts. My nose is stuffy. I am cold. I am not ready for the holidays.

I want my bed. Maybe I want dinner. Hummm...dinner in bed????

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