Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sleep Or Lack Of It.

I am not the best sleeper in the world. I have trouble falling asleep, I sleep with the tv on and all the other things that do not promote healthy sleep habits. Anyway, I never sleep when I am away from my own bed, well not until last week. Last week while we were in Florida I slept wonderfully. I'm talking 8-11 hours every night. And it was good sleep. This was good! It made my trip much more enjoyable for everyone. Because I slept I was calm and patient and happy to spend time with my family ( ya know how sometimes with so many people with so many personalities, it isn't always smooth sailing:). I had fun and I slept.

Since Saturday night, when we got home, I have not slept well. Now, I am sick but this inability to sleep is starting to make me insane. As I sit typing this all I am thinking about are the hours of sleep that I am not going to have, again tonight since I have to get up at 730 to get the monsters off to school. Last night I thought my sleep troubles stemmed from vegging all day Sunday, but today I got up with the monsters after only 3 hrs of sleep, and feeling awful I moved all day. Errands, cleaning, cooking, parenting, lots of stuff! Still I cannot sleep. I have fallen asleep for a total of about 30 mins. I am tired. I feel awful. I want to sleep. My cough hurts. I have to sit up because laying down makes the coughing sooooo bad. My back, ribs and stomach hurt sooooo badly from the coughing I have thought about heading to the ER several times tonight. When I did finally fall asleep around 130, Maggie showed up crying and it took me 2 hrs to get her back down. She is 5 1/2, I should not have to get up with her every night!!!!

Here I now sit at 4 am, panicking about the lack of sleep I am going to get knowing that the alarm will go off at 730 and I have appointments all morning and cannot go back to bed after dropping the monsters at school. This is crazy! The more I stress the less likely sleep is to come, yet worrying about my lack of sleep seems to me the only thought my mind will entertain!

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