*people who are rude when you are doing them a favor
*Husbands that go away on business and don't leave the name of their hotel
*Husbands that go away and turn-off their cell phones, after they don't leave the name of their hotel
*PTO's that really have NO intention of being Parent-Teacher Organizations, but rather Private-Tight-lipped-Ogars!
*when my kids don't eat the dinner I make
*Husbands that leave their alarm set for 5am when they are out of town staying in a hotel they never gave you the name of
As you can see, I have been a bit annoyed the past day or so. Nothing major, but sometimes the little things get me HOT! I am not sure I am going to watch the debate tonight, Politics may be what puts me over the edge- round-talkers(which ALL politicians are) piss me off too.
Need a drink Em?
Bad day at school?
Oy--I totally HATE when you CAN NOT get hold of them!! God forbid there is a real emergency!! Then they have the nerve to get mad at you when they can't get hold of you and ask, why have a cell phone if I can't get hold of you!! Like WE aren't busy!! HA!
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