You know how good it feels when you accomplish a task you set out to do, that is the feeling I am having right this very moment! A task years in the making- Done, off my list.
On a side note, I decided that triggering my insomnia while my kids are still gremy and we are 10 days away from a family vacation would be fun, so last night I never slept. I did clean the playroom, and do laundry straighten the foyer and do the dishes. I also knocked out a ton of shows on the tivo.
So far this lack of sleep has been productive for me and I got all my chore done this morning just incase I crash this afternoon. I even got dinner made so the family can have a good meal even if I am sobbing in the middle of the kitchen floor:)
Hopefully this bout of insomnia is short lived and I don't get sick from the monsters, but for now I will us my new found energy to work,work,work!
I wish you ~~~~~~~SLEEP~~~~~~~~~!!!
HAHA! Thank you- so far so good though. It gets easier as I get older and understand more of what is happening with me:)
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