Monday, April 5, 2010


Today was Opening Day for the 2010 baseball season here in DC. This makes me happy. Happy because I love baseball and because this year we were able to buy a partial season ticket plan for the family. The girls are still warming up to the game; Declan has found his love for it though, which is good. The girls are still in it for the Presidents race and the Friday Night Fireworks:) Whatever they need to get them to keep going works for me. I love being able to share this experience with my monsters as it was such a big part of my childhood. With a grandfather that was an umpire and a father that was all-state and invited to try-out for the St.Louis Cardinals, it is in the blood!

Back to Opening Day...we got to see President Obama throw out the first pitch, which was cool, even though he threw to the left;-) That is what makes living in the DC metro area so cool. It was about 90 degrees and he came out with a Nationals jacket on(to cover the vest) and then put his White Soxs hat on to go with it! That just goes-to-show you that he is fitting in just fine in DC, where no one is actually a Nationals fan, everyone has their favorite team and cheers for the Nationals because they are the home town club. And because the Nationals are so bad, you can even cheer for them if they are in the same division as your team!LOL! I am hoping that they can win a few more games than last year, but after today's outing, I am not hopeful:) There were LOTS of Philadelphia fans in attendance and the game was not sold out. Maybe the team will win a few games and people will start showing up to the stadium.

Next game is a Friday Night Firework game so the girls will be happy, me too after the sunburn I got today. I hope to report on two new baseball lovers by the end of the season!

1 comment:

Slakk said...

Maybe the president ought to throw out the first pass for the Lions?

Couldn't hurt.