Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Emotion or Logic?

I am a person that is almost completely driven by emotion. Sometimes I wonder how my life would be different if I were more logical than emotional, but I am not. Sometimes I think I would be hurt less or worry less if I were less emotional, but I'm not.

I am happy that right now in my life I can live this way. I am happy that I am not collecting a paycheck or running for office. I am happy that my monsters are young and that my husband knew what he married and loves me despite it;-)

Having an emotional connection to everything I do is exhausting sometimes. It is hard when things don't fall my way. It doesn't always make me friends, but all that is okay and well worth it.

Emotion is a strong force. I think being driven by emotion is harder than following logic. I think you need to be comfortable with yourself and who you are. I am glad I am able to do it!


Megan said...

I prefer logic over emotion. If I lived my life being ruled by emotion I would have kicked your ass every day for the last 33 years!!! LOL

A Jersey Girl said...

Listen Bitch...I know where to find you. And and think you have spent the better part of the past 33 years kicking my ass:)

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