Monday, September 29, 2008

To The Ill Informed:

Here is what bugs the hell out of me-(well, one of many, many things)anyway, here goes; it drives me crazy when people feel the need to call me Mrs.******. I do not like it. Emily is just fine. I say, oh, please call me Emily. I do not find it disrespectful for my children's friends to call me by my first name. I do not feel as if I lack authority when they do this. Emily is my name. I like it. I am happy to use it. The way in which I carry myself allows me to demand the authority I need to, not the name I am being called. I think it is odd to think that a name is what offers you authority. I can think of a few first names that demand respect- OPRAH, BARACK, not to mention the countless celebrates that are simply know that way CHER, STING, MADONNA, PRINCE-

All I am saying is that I believe that if I would like to be called by my first name, you should respect me enough to do it and second, know that by having my children call you by your last name, they do not automatically respect you or hold you in a place of authority.


Tribe Mama said...

Respect is not in a name. My husband calls me by my first name, you do, your kids do, my coworkers do, they all respect me and I them. It is sad when someone feels the need to exert their authority through old fashioned labels with children.

Rebecca or Becca to your kiddos who I love and respect!

A Jersey Girl said...

Bullies I tell you- they are no good. It is too bad that people need to treat others poorly to make themselves feel good.


Megan said...

OMG Mrs. Fallon I cant believe this has happened to you! I never liked bullies either thats why I always kicked their asses! I would be more than happy to take care of that for you. Who the hell thinks they can make my sister cry! I just hope you know to keep me away from the bullies or we will have problems!

A Jersey Girl said...

Yes Meg, I totally wish you had been there. You so would have DEALT with it right there!