I am against it. In fact, it maybe the ONLY thing I am completely against. Extreme politics, religion, education, exercise, anything to the extreme is just not good. It is one thing to have strong beliefs and convictions, but when you cannot see how the other side come to their opinions, because all you see is them as wrong...You are ignorant and close minded. It is people like that who are the ones that instill hatred in our society by perpetuating intolerance.
It really bugs me when people make blanket statements about another group of people. I know this is not a new thing, but it is bothersome none-the-less. In my opinion, intolerance is unacceptable in a civilized society. That is not to say that you cannot disagree with people or dislike them, but generalized hatred is just wrong. I don't understand how someone can "hate" all gay & lesbians or republicans or Jews, and the list could go on and on. That is not to say that there is not a Jew that I dislike or democrat, but I do not dislike all Jews or all Democrats because of that experience with one or a few individuals included in those groups.
I have been told many times that I am wrong to feel this way and that since the beginning of time people have stereo-typed and hated based on that, but I don't. I have taught my children not to. And I hope that others will someday think about how ridiculous it is to "hate" or "love" to extremes.
Couldn't agree more!!!!! BRAVO
I agree, but I think extremism has become the norm. Look at Rush. His views are so outrageously extreme, and people flock to him and love him for it. Not many can be found that tolerate others. The "my way is the right way" attitude that is spreading like a cancer is outrageous. I fear that the open-minded, free-loving, peace-promoting baby-boomers who were once hippies have aged into bitter fear-mongering "guppies" who flinch at anything that is unlike themselves.
Since they are the majority of the population, the fear and extremism their generation spews out run rampant.
Tolerance, in all its glory, along with diversity are both shunned. Even though given lip service and spoken about, both concepts harbor ill feelings and stew a vat of hatred in those with closed minds and sour hearts.
I think it's funny that you say this world is full of extremes when it's not as extreme as one might thing.
They might call Terrorists "extremists" but this is rare from how normal people live their lives.
If everyone were as extreme as you say then the word extreme would no longer apply since it would then be considered "normal".
At one point showing a bit of leg was extreme in the past but now extreme is when two women poo in a cup and then throw up in each others mouths!
Now showing leg is nothing let along called extreme by any perk of the Imagination.
As far as "religion" goes According to God {The Christian one} we are to love Him with all our hearts soul and mind... If that isn't enough He told us that we should be either HOT or cold for Him we cannot be luke warm or He will spit us out of His mouth.
THAT is extreme by all means, For Jesus to die on the cross and take punishment for something He didn't do and DIE for it. THAT is extreme.
Most people live apathetic lives and that is where they wind up... In spiritual apathy.
I can't stand certain types of groups {Not races} Such as Dems because they have all shown themselves to be the same, I have yet to find one that has proven me wrong.
If I found one that were to show themselves different then I would gladly say there is one person different than the rest.
Same with a few other groups that have shown they are no different than the moronic mass' they belong to.
For Example, you cannot be liberal and a good Christian, you cannot be gay and a good Christian, you cannot be an adulterer and a good Christian.
You might see it as extreme but I call it Moral standing.
These people who say we need to be tolerant of others beliefs while not being tolerant of my beliefs.
These people with "Coexist" Bumper stickers who don't have a firm enough belief in anything that they can't understand why conflicting religions can't get along.
It's hard to get along with someone who is trying to kill you if you don't convert to what they believe so pardon me for my "blanket statements" but I will take that over the foolishness you want me to buy into.
Yes you are so right. It truly is annoying and sad when people make such statements!
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