I have a lot to say, but I first wanted to thank all of you that read my blog. I love the comments and conversations it has started have been awesome. So, I hope you keep reading and keep commenting.
Now, to bash Republicans or Democrats first, this is a tough one:)
Okay, Republicans win, so here goes. Are they seriously following the words and advice of Sarah Palin? Really???? They would be better off just sitting back and doing nothing then bringing here out to things! I believe that, as history shows, Democrats were going to lose seats in the mid-term elections. Please let them! Stop dragging some woman with very little political experience and No "Family Values" to stand on, be the face of your party. I guess the choices are limited at this point though, you either go with Palin and her inexperience or Steele to the strip club. Gosh, the party of "family values" is standing strong. The Republicans need to get back to their roots and start dragging out "real Republicans" like Ron Paul. Someone that truly understands what is meant by small government.
Not to be out done, the Democrats have preformed their own idiotic stunts this week and I am sure that was just the beginning, we will be hearing more during the Nuclear Summit this week. Someone tell me WHY the President felt the need to explain under what circumstances the U.S.(under him of course)would use nuclear weapons. I am a believer of "never say never" and while I know of belief some have of President Obama's closeness to Godliness, I am not sure he can see the future or needs to justify issues that have not arose yet. I am waiting to see what happens this week though, will he sign a treaty destroying ALL of our nuclear weapons and "go first" and be surprised when we are the only one to do it? God, I hope not.
I would like to say that what I like most about President Obama(and yes Laura there are a few things;-) is his idealism. I don't often agree with him, but I love his passion and hope. I love that he believes that people want to help others. I love that he wants to believe people are not out to destroy the U.S. I truly do admire that about him. I believe that when he speaks you can see straight through him. You can see when he believes 100% of what he is saying, but I also believe you can see when he doesn't. I like that is a person.
For those of you who don't know Ron Paul, go check him out! He Rocks!
Are not the democrats the PEACE PARTY. Or the party of peace. Family and Leave Me Alone Party?
Fireworks on the 4th of July done by midnight?
Certainly not Burning Man.
PEACE does not mean subjection or yielding.
PEACE is PEACE and is the PINNACLE of mankind.
If man is so failed and depraved, his only goal ought to be to reach peace.
By doing, achieving peace, so he will not destroy himself, helps others along.
This may sound socialist, or communist.
Others may identify it with Christendom or Buddhism.
Pure Peace Accepting Everyone.
Whats wrong with that?
PS, my "capchya" to post this was a derivative of peace (pareses), but I don't believe in coincidences and superstitions like that...
Peace would be Great and I am sure it is coming especially given the LONG history of peace in the world;-)
rebuttal from another post/...
You don't get it, or again I leave out the details.
Obama's promise to exit Iraq was by the end of July 2010. We will see if he succeeds.
So you are wrong there, and of course, he updated that promise later, but I think it still can be done.
Yes, I am an Obama supporter, at least toward things I support.
And YES-- Who do you think helped those Iraqis ferret out Al Quida? Our MILITARY!
Not until now because CHENEY would not allow it during the Bush years.
PROGRESS and CHANGE had been made, no doubt.
Applaud it, don't scold me for supporting it.
I wonder why you didn't pay less in taxes?
I suppose that's your problem, but over 55% of Americans paid an average of $250 less, so jeez, thanx for the cash!
I do compare much for myself. On left and Right. Again, remember, ultimately I consider myself a leftist-nihilist, but in a peaceful way.
And yes, better roads, as far as I can tell.
High-speed light rail is next (which we do not have here in the mid-west)
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