Recently I have had many conversations about Marriage; from the definition to who/what can and should be allowed to marry. It really got me thinking about what I really "think" or "believe" about marriage and what is historically true about marriage. So, I did alittle research to see what was out there and I was surprised by what I found. I found that the institution of marriage is as old as time and has changed greatly in many ways, but stayed the same in others over that time.
First, I found that the earliest written history of marriage was found in Mesopotamia and written into Hammurabi's Code. There it says of marriage: If a man takes a woman to wife, but has no intercourse with her, this woman is no wife to him. I have seen scholars say that as the "cradle of civilization", Mesopotamia set the president for marriage as a union between a man and woman.
I also learned that there are many cultures where marriage to one or more person at a time is not only accepted, but encouraged. Even more interesting about this is that it is not allows men with more wives, sometimes it is wives with many husbands.
I learned that through history, the institute of marriage whether arranged by family or for love, was done with the idea that the man/husband would support his wife and family. While there are some exceptions to this, it has been the general school of thought.
What I did not find was much support or examples of same-sex marriage. While I did find some societies that acknowledged it, suchas Greece and some areas in China there were none where it was the "norm", in fact, the Theodosian Code in ancient Rome forbid same-sex marriage.
The other thing I found interesting is how marriage was not tied to religion until the European Christians tied it together. Before then it was mostly seen as "business" not religion, something among families.
At first I found my findings disappointing as I was looking for ways to support my position as pro same-sex marriage, and felt I did not find any, but after rereading my discoveries I think I have. I think I have because what I found was that "marriage" as a union between consenting adults has changed over-and-over since the beginning of time. And if same-sex marriage is wrong, is not the idea of a wife supporting her husband not just as wrong? The idea that a marriage cannot be anything other than a union between 1 man and 1 woman for procreation is a fairly new and European idea.
Here is where my view on marriage stands today, I believe that consenting adults should be free to marry whomever they choose and call it whatever they want. The key to my belief lies in the idea of consenting adults, by this I mean HUMAN, MENTALLY CAPABLE ADULTS! I do understand that the age of an adult varies from culture to culture and that is fine with me, so long as both sexes in that culture are seen as adults at that age. Other than that, I really think marriage should continue to be progressing concept, unique to each culture.
Another question. Is marriage necessary? Some of my happily married friends definitely have value added to their relationship by their marriage. But it's not for everybody.
It seems to me that when God told man & woman to go forth and multiply and other such instructions, it was setting up marriage as a man/woman entity. At least, that's the way marriage weas clearly intended.
So now we change that and say any two consenting adults. Clearly that includes the Grandmother and grandson who are in love and in the news recently I am sure.
So what's next? The next logical step might be between people and animals. Or maybe we'll start lowering the age to get married to include 6 year olds.
If nothing else, history has shown us one thing- once we step away from what was intended, we open Pandora's box and the slippery slope begins unabated.
I completely disagree with Blazer Prophet's comment. I think most sensible people will agree that marriage is about more than just "multiplying".
You really can't be comparing two members of the same sex being in love with each other to animals and under aged people. That is just ignorant.
Discrimination and hate stem from ignorance. Consider the history of discrimination and the rights established in our Constitution before you suggest "logical" steps.
I hope your post was sarcastic.
Shona, I have to admit your post was downright hateful. I hope it isn't reflection of you as a total person.
It's also a shame that no opinions outside your own are worthy of consideration- only damnation.
As for me, I consider all opinions and while I do have mine, it's the right one for me. I perfer to respect others and their opinions as I learned a loooooooooong time ago I was neither perfect nor always right.
May you, too, discover the very same thing.
I agree with Blazer.
Shona, It is more than just Multiplying, God told Adam He would make him a partner.
It's as much about your mate as it is about being with the Woman God intended you to be with.
I thought about this many times and thought If God had intended people to be Gay then He would have Made Adam, Eve, 2 other men who were gay and 2 other women who were gay.
It says that people turned from the normal sexual practices to abnormal ones.
God says it's an abomination to Him and before you say anything...NO I don't eat any Shrimp or any seafood for that matter.
The point is this God never intended people to be that way, God has free will so He allows them to do it until they want to turn from it on their own.
Also you never answered Blazer, what about the Grandmother and Grandson who love each other very much?
In your line of thinking do you also think that incest is ok, for mothers and sons to get married, Brother and sister or anything of that type?
Even if social norms change and laws pass that still does not mean it's a good thing to do.
When you stand before God whether you believe in Him or not what will you tell Him?
You thought it was ok?
Your excuse will fail because He'll tell you "What about all those people I sent to tell you it was wrong? Why did you ignore them?"
People need to seriously think about things instead of going with the flow and being excepted by society.
Believe it or not we live in a very liberal society, Nudity,swearing on tv,Teen Pregnancy, Kids talking back to their parents with no respect, One minute marriages and other things accepted as the social norm now that wasn't 60 years ago.
People Honestly don't think about the destruction they are reaping from their actions.
People may not always agree with my stance on things but I'll tell you this, I would rather be hated and do the right thing than to give in to social standard lowering and have to answer to God in the end.
The right thing is not always the easy thing to do.
Hi, just dropped by via "next blog." ;)
I agree with you. Regardless of your religion (this is to you, blazer prophet), this country is not a theocracy. If you believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and you believe so because your religion says so, that's great for you. However, it is not appropriate for the legal definition of marriage.
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